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Here are a few Testimonials from Beautiful Beings I have had the Pleasure of Co-Creating with.   



I am honoured to share my heartfelt testimony for my dear friend, Natasha Darling, whose dedication and knowledge within all natural healing spaces has profoundly impacted my life in the most positive ways. Natasha is a woman full of love, light, wisdom and leadership. The very beginning of our long journey together was moulded through initial (although everlasting) friendship, where I was directed, supported and loved. Through Natasha’s proficient capabilities of transforming the lives of those around her, and through her natural healing abilities and services such as liquid crystals, sound healing, facilitating nurturing circles and more, Natasha has been an invaluable guardian and guide on my journey of self-discovery.

Under Natasha’s guidance, I have experienced remarkable personal growth and acceptance that I never thought was possible. She has illuminated the path to realising and understanding that the limitations I once felt and feared, were those I placed upon myself. In every interaction, Natasha embodies the qualities of a true life coach, offering unwavering support, boundless love and profound wisdom. She has always supported and uplifted me without judgement.

Throughout our journey together, Natasha has been a beacon of light in my life, which has blossomed into an enduring bond built on friendship, trust and unconditional love. Natasha has consistently offered me insight into living in this World, as the human experience shapes and changes with every day, Natasha remains powerful and grounded in Spirit and Nature. A direct demonstration of Natasha’s honesty in her life and work is shown in her commitment to transformation of all kinds. Of the mind, of the body and environment we live in. Her free spirit is contagious, and you cannot help but feel hopeful in her presence. I truly feel and believe that Natasha harnesses unique gifts to heal; through her sound, her voice, her touch and her character, she is able to connect human beings to parts of themselves and support people through various hurdles they may be experiencing, internally and externally. Pain, grief, health issues, the lives of those most “un-walked”,



Natasha, you are a master of shadow healing, bringing the darkness & difficulty into the light, empowerment & wisdom. I have travelled with you Tash, from a time that felt possibly the darkest & difficult of times I have been in, to a place of truly beginning to embrace ME. The depth of love & ability to hold space with understanding & unconditional witness is a most powerful, nurturing & healing space. Your ability to tap into collective & infuse love here, is to me the basis of your work. Whether working individually or with a group your healing vision is collective. You simply just understand & embody Oneness as your purpose, TOTALLY.

You are Love with the deepest desire for all beings to be just THAT. The way you are able to hold group work, encompassing each being as an individual in their full empowerment & then bring this together as micro to macro; all the while weaving layer upon layer to serve collective healing; the cycle beginning again, group to collective; micro to macro. The duration of ability to create & hold this space is monumentous. Your pure heart & connection to source is what I see as bringing the brightest of lights I have known into true service.

The rarest of friends in truth & my biggest inspiration & fire of self-courage you have been for me. A teacher, guide & most cherished friend. I love all of who you are & all of what you stand for. I love & resonate so deeply with your truth, purity of heart & vision. You are in AllWays present in my life, holding a loving space & guiding me. It is your light that shines so bright that brings change in love to individuals, groups & collective a like . You are amazing Tash & so ever radiant in Love.


I got invited by Natasha to the energy circle two years ago. It was my first time and frankly I didn’t know what to expect.  Few days before the circle, I had this dream where I saw Natasha guiding us to a place it was unknown for me at that stage. Since that moment I felt a big calling to be part of this circle and create my altar. 

The day when we met was magical. It’s hard to explain with words what happens with your ethereal body. I felt the support from Natasha even since before we started. Every step in the ceremony was carefully guided. Every element was introduced at the right time. Natasha has this sweet gentle powerful energy that takes you to places where your soul wants you to go in her company. I felt safe all the time. There were many synchronicities on words, people, elements, oracle cards, crystals ….

And when I thought we have experienced all, Natasha starts playing the drum and singing. This was absolutely magical. It was a soul connection because in this 3er dimension I couldn’t appreciate her gifts and love as much as I did during the guided meditation with her playing and singing. 

From that moment onwards I can’t wait to be part of the circle every year. My soul gets ready for the next adventure/mission/task. You feel Natasha’s support at different levels before and after the circle as well because you need it. After the circle your life gets boosted by all the fantastic energy we create in the circle as a community. This community that gets together every year and it’s guided by a beautiful being full of love, passion and wisdom that generously share with us for our soul evolution in planet Earth. 



I have known Natasha for about 5 years now.I have been honoured to sit in circle with her & attend 2 of her Altar workshops that she facilitated.

Natasha is very passionate & goes into great details when organising her workshops.  Natasha has a gift of making everyone feel at ease,loved & protected so you can 100% commit to the experience that she's offering. Natasha guides you along your path without judgement & helps you to discover yourself.  I absolutely love how much knowledge & wisdom Natasha shares about her experiences that she's had & the experiences she gets from Channeling them. Natasha's meditations make you feel like you're in another Dimension, Space & Time.  She is so creative when she puts you in this safe space.

Natasha has the ability to speak & you will be completely captivated in what she is telling you.  This could be listening to her YouTube videos, at her workshops or her just being a good friend giving advice. I just want to say thank you for your healing medicine & being you, Natasha..



I met Natasha several years ago before attending her amazing circle experiences that she holds space for every August. Natasha’s circles are an amazing experience that I love to attend. She is so dedicated to making the whole experience so spiritually connecting she seems to prepare for months prior. She provided emails and messages before and after plus liquid crystal, beautiful music ,information, print outs and so much more. She personalised it to each individual. I also had the privilege to do an altar workshop with her that opened up another amazing experience for me that I never imagined. Apart from that she appreciates me messaging her about the spiritual connections I experience and she encourages me on my journey with her wisdom. Natasha also shares her fabulous star songs with me so I don’t miss them. My heart is filled with such gratitude to have her in my life and look forward to continue working with her.



I was wanting soul direction and an intimate connection to my guides on all levels, this is what this circle provided, in ways that most traditional circle don’t. What I expected when this was gifted to me was completely and utterly blown away in such a profound way that was literally life changing. From before the gathering we were asked what being we felt would journey with each of us this was then gifted to us as a drawing who than we called in to carry us, support us and believe in our own experiences. Then we were gifted liquid crystals to take and also to take home with us to support and help implement the changes or experiences from our journeying, alongside otherworldly drumming and song

we prepared our alters all as unique as each other but fit perfectly as a whole each building on the other

Thank you for this amazing transformational medicine,

I again attended last years circle feeling confident in what was going to occur but Tash presented this circle in a similar style but with added components that were even more inspirational and used to create a deeper connection to all the unseen and seen beings of the worlds and am excited about this years circle and the profound changes that I know will take place

with love and respect again this is not a mere healing circle but a transformational medicine.



Everywhere I ‘go’ Natasha is there. Well, often not physically, but definitely in my thoughts, beliefs and actions. Natasha is an ongoing inspiration and source of courage to me on many levels. She has taught me so many things; too many to name individually, but the collective of them has resulted in me being able to express the depth of love in my heart, and to live from my heart for me first. Her wisdom has guided me on many occasions to step with courage into my truth. She has subtly encouraged me to embrace and be a loving witness to my shadow and has held a safe space for me to acknowledge and release all that wasn’t needed. So, with Natasha’s tender and loving guidance I have been able to embrace a fuller version of me. The whole me. Now I am a much more authentic being living in alignment with my true purpose. 


During my work with Natasha, both individually and in healing circles, she continues to expand my consciousness in All Ways. Her healing modalities and understandings of the soul’s experience on this plane have been very new to me, but I feel safe to keep stepping and surrendering because I lean into her pureness and unconditional love for every living being. I know I am safe. I know I am held.  


Natasha’s circle work is so deep……….so healing. Leading up to circle day we are provided information about the journey to be undertaken, tools that will be used during the circle (and beyond) and a gentle reminder to begin feeling into the collective energy of the day by reading about the journey and collecting sacred items for our altars. So the process begins and the energy builds well before we come together. As we gather on the day held in a space of Natasha’s unconditional love, I sense that she already knows exactly where we are all at; each of us feels ‘met’, heard, and understood in her single embrace. Aaaaaah ❤️ She is a loving witness to every soul in the room. 


As we gather around the beautiful, love embodied altar, every being has a knowing they are 100% safe. Safe to express and safe to let go of whatever shows itself throughout the day. The energy of Natasha’s unwavering love, support, understanding and acceptance infuses the space and washes over the collective. The frequency of judgement and non-allowance does not exist in this space. The journey begins; it is a place to explore, release and restore. She continues to fully hold this space as we each return to our lives and proceed with the support of The Liquid Crystals and an online collective group where we can share our ongoing experiences, including photos of our altars as they evolve with us. We continue to travel as a collective. 


Another of Natasha’s gifts is her communication. Her words are like a form of art to me. She pulls the threads of ideas together and weaves the resonant words like a beautiful tapestry of colour. So lyrical. I could read or listen to them for hours on end. They are rich and deep and need time to be absorbed and received wherever they are needed. They are powerful!


I remain in awe of her selflessness; her 100% commitment to healing the collective. Her whole way of viewing the world is through the lens of healing collective consciousness. She appears never to be caught up in her individual identity and endures extreme challenges with so much acceptance and grace and with the hope that her experiences can heal others. 


I am so very grateful to Natasha for her presence and for being a loving witness to my life. I am also grateful for the unlimited life she has guided me to. One that so importantly includes my creative expression. She is a loving, powerful and wise healer, teacher and being. I feel so very humbled that I get to journey with her. I LOVE her.



Natasha holds a gift of both worldly and otherworldly off planet experiential skill set that might be rare to acquire by studying courses or attending university. In all my travels and adventures this lifetime Natasha holds a Mastery of her own spanning across a multitude of intelligences with an ability to express them all through a heart centred soul honouring, honest clear and direct pathway of restoration and truth allowing the human to restore harmony and balance within their own world and therefore the world at large. 

Natasha’s Word medicine has given me courage to traverse my own inner landscapes through the darkest deepest of valleys and inner damp crevices with Serpent and jaguar through some dark and lonely nights, Natasha shining her North Star and Medicine Mother moon light guiding my Soul home to the most pristine, aquamarine coastlines with eagles above, dolphins playfully splashing about alongside me and baby turtles finding their way safely to the shore.  Thus reminding me of an eternal sunshine within, like a warm fire ignited each time she will guide me to my spark within to keep my inner fire lit. 

From a ‘practitioner and colleague’ perspective (as I am in the field of kinesiology and energy healing myself - supporting other souls in their healing journeys), Natasha is a true authentic one of a kind Cosmic, Galactic, Earth Angel animal whisperer, walking her talk, here in Service, most importantly that comes first rather than financial reward or gain. From my perspective Natasha offers Genuine Service. 

She is a talented, trustworthy, safe, with life changing results type, professional space holder without a label as such, holding a myriad of healing abilities. Wisdom embodied. Truth Speaker. If I’ve ever sought to be held, in all lines of skill sets, Natasha has been one of the two professional allies to encourage me to love and trust my-self deeper and deeper, in a more whole, honest and unconditional love in her ability support me in traversing my inner worlds with Natasha’s sincerest reverence and an unwavering understanding and neutral approach.. 

Natasha activates healing in a fiercely loving, compassionate way with her infinite wisdom, knowledge and lived experience from many lifetimes is evident, an old soul that just ‘knows what she knows’.

A gift like this could be labelled something like ‘Spiritual Purpose Coaching’. She holds clear and loving boundaries, an excellent communicator, calls a spade a spade while allowing one’s own truth to be illuminated. 

Therefore restoring balance. Feeling supported, held, met, seen, nourished, understood, witnessed, all from a place of deep surrender; that any step along the path may not resonate or be the ‘only’ answer but trusting wholeheartedly in myself through Natasha’s support has been the ingredient needed for one’s  soul in any given moment. Working with Natasha is like receiving a warm nutrient dense delicious cuppa of choice, whilst sitting by a cosy fire, with laughter, love, music and connection. I use the word choice to reference her ability to allow you to find your freedom, reclaim your power, live empowered and with Free Will.

Natasha is dynamic, delightfully playful amongst all the traversing and holds natural team and group management leadership abilities, with attention to details. A creative mind for understanding how to organise chaos with a matter of fact approach in a business sense and create structure and bring order.

She has an innate instinct to see and make things better. Visionary. While guiding in practical ways, knowing how small or big the next steps of the individual may be prepared to take along their path.

Working with Natasha, there is this knowing feeling of an unwavering ‘Guardian Angel-like’ support one feels and her reliability in perceived crisis moments in time or obstacles to overcome that may be drawn out that are out of our control.

She loves to help others thrive and succeed.  Behind the scenes utilising her listening, reflection, trouble shooting, problem solving skills to do so making it seem seamless, like breathing air. Attentive and follows things through. 

She is humble, gentle and kind. These types can often be undervalued for not trying to achieve recognition, yet she is a powerhouse who supports others to be their best and set themselves free.

 A wonderful ability to self reflect. Holds a curiosity about anything and everything, not a black and white mentality, very fluid, open and adaptable. She has a willingness to understand and learn new ways if she sees they are more optimal and an improvement for the greater good. Yet mostly, her channel seems always connected to the answer of what humanity really needs therefore her counsel is amongst the most wise I’ve ever been blessed to manifest into my reality..

Natasha is one the most priceless blessings life has gifted me with on my path, her heart is golden and blood worth bottling.

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