I AM Natasha
Lovely to share my journey with you here.
I AM a Loving Witness,
I AM a Living Woman,
I AM a Radiant Star Embodied.
These things I Know to be True.
Everything else has been a process of alchemical living development as a responsibility to Creation, through the perception of time and space on my Earthbound journey; learning through some major life lessons, and thankfully how to Master them as I walked through the Dark Night within my Soul's Purpose as explored on this planet through a lifetime of self healing in art, writing and prayer - Practices
(in various forms or expressions).
With this in mind, my focus and intention is the privilege of experience to witness people on their journey, people who are ready to remember and experience more of who they are, through colour, sound as a sort of 'prayer'
through the integration of the infinite and cosmic symbolic magick that they are in the Here and Now through our ability and responsibility as Human Beings to be conduits;
'As Above, So Below'.
In this place we call Earth but also many more aspects of Self,
that are being called Home by our Souls Song,
in the Here and Now,
through this embodiment of the;
I AM Presence.
I can share many aspects of my life's wisdoms and mastery though tales of suffering transmuted to the Realised Embodiment of Love's Embrace, though I have come to the conclusion that the best way I can offer my Presence is through being a;
Loving Witness…
Being a Loving Witness as my foundation,
I can create from what I see and know in this Now moment without attachment.
This foundation is where I feel the most can be offered in terms of how I see and can share with you;
'who' I AM.
I experience life with a lot of feeling that most of the time can only be shared and translated with creative processes
as a type of 'prayer', often with colour and sound that work as practices intentionally connected as 'conduit'
for and as a ‘spiritual channelling practice’.
For me 'prayer' is our service song,
our continual commitment we offer in service to the Divine as conduits,
through our actions and our deeds,
through our words and our thoughts,
through our devotion to quality values that not only support our own life but also;
The Living Presence of All Life
For the Benefit of All and Detriment to None.
On a personal level I do not really care much for labels,
though I recognise and understand we must use the current language in whatever form necessary,
to find ways to meet each other,
to find each other,
to co-create together;
in 'points of reference' and that is done through agreed upon focuses through our Translation of languages.
So I feel honoured to meet you from where you are at,
I am grateful that you meet me from where I am at,
as best we possibly can with this Living Word,
that burns through us and beyond us,
in All Forms and No Forms.
Some of these layers of experiences I have spent
'years and years'
building a language upon and within;
Creative Practices (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Altar),
Sound Healings (Singing, Tuning Forks, Bowls,
Drum and so on),
Free Style Dance and movement,
The Liquid Crystals and Crystal Healing,
Writing, Poetry, Teaching - which also includes
'the Art of Conversation';
often expressed as Readings or as Guidance from the many pathways and possibilities of;
Great Spirit of Oneness...
As a child I knew this Spirit to be called for me secretly
'Lord' which included plants, crystals, animals, Earth and Sky - the All - and for me this knowing was equally Divine in Feminine and Masculine.
My focus is to understand and nurture your own unique language and connection with how you perceive
'God' or Spirit' as;
The Living Presence of Life that flows through all of Creation,
and you Being a Divine Creation
and a Divine Creator yourself...
I AM a very fluid being, and I feel my purpose is to help others find a type of fluidity and freedom within the Human Experience and through that flow and openness,
creating a path that more of our Soul’s Expansive Wisdom can be anchored into our expression of Being in the Here and Now.

I tend to flow the best way I know how to in any given moment.
This doesn't look the same day to day which has at times been frustrating for myself and I am sure others (ha ha),
but it is always a process of trusting in my Heart to find the best Creative Process for any given 'problem' someone may face when they come to share with me.
I was born in the Solomon Islands where I experienced such a deep connection to the oneness of the tribal community in my child self, a consistent witnessing of ritual through ceremonial dance and art and an unconditional love that doesn’t require words as such, even if they are used, a deep wisdom and oneness that could never be negated or even misunderstood feeling wise. The all encompassing feeling of being loved and being understood went well beyond any comprehension of outward events,
much like the ocean holds us when we swim,
I felt held fully in this consciousness with no concept of separation or even identity in the usual forms in terms of western culture.
I feel very lucky to have experienced this as a Star ‘landing’ in Earth realm, it helped me carry this pearl of loving wisdom inside me, even though moving to Australia at 6 years old, which was a rather big ‘shock’ to my system and to my unconscious and conscious mind to comprehend.
From my experience Island Tribal cultures tend to live more in the unconscious fluidity and have a deeper resonance with 'feeling' as a Unity Consciousness.
It has taken me 'time' to develop and put together the layered tools to navigate the conscious mind of the western culture, and heal myself from the compartmentalisation that exists in more ‘modern’ city environments (in comparison to island life or tribal connection of community).
Art for me was a genuine meeting point for my own continual connection to Self Healing Alchemy and it has been my main foundational experience to coping with the fragmented yet whole experience of reality through my travels of life.
If I am to claim who
I AM..
I will say this;
Magick and Creation
as Ritual Practice is my Earth Rite.
As is my Earth Rite to my own;
Self Healing Alchemy
Through the invocation of;
The Living Presence of Life.

This is also your Earth Rite too,
if you choose it.

The Way I have found to truly Honour our Path to Self,
is to stand fully within Self Soveriegn Authority as a conduit of 'Heaven and Earth'.
Invoking and honouring The Living Presence as we express ourselves as Conduits in Service to the Divine with Earth as our Celestial Body that hold us graciously,
here on Earth as the Cells to the
Greater Body of Purpose
of Form and No Form.

Through the combined Creative Free Will and Self Honesty set forth with a committed and accountable Discipline,
we can attain that which we are Divinely Deserving of,
yet it does take effort to remember our Living Natures when we have had so much of the opposite reinforced to us in the echoes of Past and Future in terms of
Trauma and Memory manifested in our current ‘Modern Society’.
Our current Responsibility to Serve the Greater Plan, is a commitment to healing ourselves and our realities riddled with Suffering from Times Past still felt often unconsciously in the Here and Now,
woven and enmeshed into karmic cycles,
and as our inherited woundings from our Great Ancestors,
that which carry the blood of our blood,
the lessons of our lessons,
the teachings and offerings we are here
to heal and express in unity.
We are courageously here to collectively learn and grow from each other with regards to our Free Will as indeed Earth as a Planet is;
A Giver and Receiver of our experience of Free Will in Physicality as experience.
We must choose the effort required to travel the path of our Truthful Self in the Here and Now to be not only in our own Truthful Awareness, but to also be in total surrender to the;
Divine Will.
If you are able and wanting to be in Alignment with the Divine Will of the;
All / God / Source / Universe / Great Spirit / Lord,
Cosmic Father / Cosmic Mother;
and if you are ready to fully explore the duality that manifest the many Shadows and Lights of your own Expression here on Earth and realms beyond,
then maybe you are seeking a Loving Witness as a Guide on your journey of;
Self Healing Alchemy.
It would be my honour to Serve you and Reflect back to you,
the Greatest Potentiality of Loving Embodiment that you already are.
All Ways
All One
Love Natasha