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Thank you for coming by this Sacred Space,

it is an Honour to Connect & Share with you.  

I AM Natasha, an artist, writer & speaker on Creation Practices.  My continued Purpose is to be a Facilitator & Co-Creator of Sacred Space with YOU.  



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 Here you will be able to find pathways for my paintings, sculptures, altar, poetry, writing, video creations, animations, speaking. teaching, healing & circle practices.  


This online Altar is evolving, if you feel drawn to, please sign up for newsletters to keep up to date on this shared journey.

Join our mailing list

Self Healing Alchemy (SHA) is our;

Individual & Collective;​ 

Sovereign Responsibility to Honouring our;

Unique Spark of Creative Expression

& Life Purpose as our FreeWill...


For the Purpose of & for Re-Membering & Invoking our; 

Supreme Awareness as Conduits in Service to & for our;

 Unity Christ Consciousness by Igniting our own unique & personal Connection to the Living Presence of Life (Source) for the

Purpose of an;

Alchemically 'Healed' & 'Whole' Self in;

Body, Emotion, Mind & Spirit...


What do you want to create? 


Divine Flame Transfiguration

An art based Video Series intended to work as a Video Spiritual Altar Offering with intentions of; 


Spiritual Remembrance regarding Divine Unity Consciousness connected to Fire as our living Mental Transfiguration that must be acknowledged and healed by Loving Witness of Resolution to be in Nowness; Holistic Transformation via remembrance of our core Knowing;


We Are Living Flame (of our soul).


The Divine Transfiguration is about transition, transmutation, restructuring, creativity, clearing, death & rebirth, storytelling, light from the darkness, warmth, movement, release & magick etc. 

Divine water inner child healing

An art based Video Series intended to work as a Video Spiritual Altar Offering with intentions of;


Spiritual Remembrance regarding Divine Feminine and Child Consciousness connected to

Water as our living Emotional Memory that must be acknowledged and healed by Loving Witness of Resolution to be in Nowness;

Holistically Purified. 

We are Gushing Waters (of our lineage).

The Divine Feminine is about flow,

expression, play, nurturance, experience, cheekiness, self love, inner

feeling, creativity, rebirth, inner-child

healing etc. .

Animation co-creation

A series of animation I am still working on with Benjamin Hale (Artist & Tattooer) for his website launch for EFA, which has more to come in Divine Timing.  I have been in a process of self-teaching animation & combining my film editing skills with Benjamin's bold & vibrant artwork to further co-create storytelling that forms a visceral experience of a non ordinary multi-reality landscapes, creating music & transitions intended to evoke the ancient feel of ritual, belonging & folk that reaches back to the beginning of Man.   Benjamin Hale's style of art can be overwhelmingly potent when static, though when it's brought back to the likeness of his imagination in movement, it feels really meditative & transcendental.

self healing
through creation practices

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Natasha Darling was born in the Solomon Islands and retains a deep connection to the people and the island way of life.  The simplicity and freedom she enjoyed in her early childhood played an integral role in developing her creative ability and the worldview she has today.

Natasha’s learning process has always been a tactile one where creativity was concerned, she grew into a cross disciplinary artist having completed a successful career in fashion (styling, production, creative direction) with reputable publications and designers in London, Dubai and Australia.  Starting out as a visual stylist Natasha gravitated towards larger responsibilities to become a producer & creative director on numerous editorial shoots.  She quickly built an exemplary reputation in the industry for her attention to detail, work ethic, and intuitive creative vision.

​Natasha’s work is strongly influenced by her instinctual connection to the concept of universal oneness through non-ordinary reality journeying - fractals, holographic resonance, masculine and feminine, and the relationship between all things within and without as one.  This connection inspires her use of colour and spiritual esoteric symbols in her paintings that bring a greater awareness to our multidimensional selves.  Her paintings produce a simple unified whole while maintaining an intricate and detailed aesthetic and emphasise the need to re-connect ourselves with the ancient wisdom and self healing through sacred spaces within that often cannot be defined but can be felt, and that of unique landscapes around the world that reflect our own inner wisdom.  Highlighting that these places are aspects and activation points to awakening the awareness of the 'Self' beyond the limited versions we often 'buy' into...

One of her greatest challenges has been living and journeying through life with an intensive illness process which almost took her life several times especially in 2013 & 2014.  She sees the challenges she has faced as steps along a shamanic pathway of Self-Mastery that has required her to rebuild herself both mentally, emotionally and physically several times.  Having journeyed with many of her own Shadow aspects and that of her lineage - in and of the 'Self', like an alchemical process, her understanding of both herself and the world have become more refined each time. 


Natasha’s work has been exhibited through galleries and healing centres around Australia (Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney) though her foundational focus was to appropriately display her vibrant works in several of Brisbane wellness centres to serve as healing ‘portals’ for collective awakening, and to share colours, vibrations and geometric patterns with the focused intention of co-created self healing as a shared process for all who choose to open their hearts to the higher learnings available through challenges.

In amongst being a stylist, creative director, artist and poet, Natasha through her experience of working with geometry, colours and various frequencies - naturally gravitated toward Healing through Mineral Therapy (The Liquid Crystals) & working with sound (she currently is an Accutonics Student also).  She has studied immensely in various forms of healing arts, and feels that all aspects of art, healing, teaching, circles and community practices are all One, regardless of how the 'seem' from the outside 'perspective'

These healing abilities and interests were always present growing up but throughout the healing journey, helped develop her skills into metaphysical Self healing which has further propelled her extensive study in spiritual philosophy, symbolism and it’s relation to Shadow work within self which is predominantly her focus in her work; whether in Ceremony / Sacred Arts / Healing / Teaching / Circle / Speaking, Natasha is always travelling between ordinary reality and non-ordinary reality and communicating instinctually the landscapes of our own hidden psyche, the goal is to help us collectively free ourselves from our unconscious bindings / beliefs to develop a more holistic world view for us to create our reality from.  

Currently Natasha also has a Youtube series called Self Healing Alchemy where she releases episodes on various series one being 'Star Songs' which connect us to our true cosmic source, and is creating music for this Series too. Natasha is also writing various books that cover our Divine Sovereignty through creativity and ways we can reclaim our true creator selves in the here and now.

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Star Songs - Initiation - 09 - SHA  | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy

Star Songs - Initiation - 09 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy

Welcome to SHA Star Songs (series) - Initiation - 09 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy Duration: 44:58 Art & Bio; Music; -----------------/ Are you Willing to live your Purpose? Commitment to our True Purpose of and as a Human Being, we are in this time in a unique opportunity to have immense Growth, if we are Willing to surrender to our Purpose in the Here and Now, to Serve the Greater Plan by committing to our own Initiation of Being in this experience of Transition and Development for Earth and Beyond, All with commitment through conscious feeling, acceptance and self trust as momentum to our own unique way of Truth. After the last episode 'Prayer' , through ongoing practice, we trust in Great Spirit to provide continual unfoldments of clues to our Purpose, with our Receptivity to truly listen and find ways to meet our Destiny - day by day, challenge by challenge, courage by courage.... We are the ones we have been waiting for, and there is much 'work' on self to commit to. Enmeshment is a 'real' issue manifested throughout our multidimensional experience and we have karmic distortions exisiting especially when we refuse to heal wounds that are manifesting throughout our individual and collective 'timelines' / 'realities'. Infinite Love and Blessings, NataSHA Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved. None Waived Ever.
Star Songs - Cosmic Mother & Cosmic Father - 06 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy

Star Songs - Cosmic Mother & Cosmic Father - 06 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy

Welcome to SHA Star Songs (series) - Cosmic Mother & Cosmic Father - 06 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy Duration: 42:09 Art & Bio; Music; -----------------/ The gift of love we receive from Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father regardless of our depth of understanding, is always present. This Star Songs discusses the importance of healing ourselves and our relationships within our family known as Mother and Father, more so within self as way to have a deeper support unconditionally available from Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father during these very turbulent transformative times. Also discusses the need for Self Healing as the foundational 'tactic' to navigating what we are dealing with as a collective, the 'service to others' comes when we heal ourselves of traumas and wounds that when not healed, will create havoc in our 'timeline' - 'Realities' - which is manifested in 'co-creation' with the Collective in the Here and Now... We are the ones we have been waiting for, and there is much 'work' on self to commit to. Enmeshment is a 'real' issue manifested throughout our multidimensional experience and we have karmic distortions exisiting especially when we refuse to heal wounds that are manifesting throughout our individual and collective 'timelines' / 'realities'. Infinite Love and Blessings, NataSHA Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved. None Waived Ever.
Star Songs - Time & Space Perceptions - 04 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy

Star Songs - Time & Space Perceptions - 04 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy

Welcome to SHA Star Songs (series) - Time & Space Perceptions - 04 - SHA | Natasha Darling | Self Healing Alchemy Duration: 31:49 Art & Bio; Music; -----------------/ As a continuation to previous Star Songs, I had recorded this one with the others, but my guides had requested I hold back for a while, and allow everything to settle, giving room for it to work as a beginning to the next couple. Here we discuss 'Time and Space Perceptions' where we start to explore the acceptance of ourselves as conduits to spirit who perceive ourselves as 'separate' beings on a 'separate' planet Earth, which to us in our daily lives can be experienced as 'the ultimate truth', though this recording goes into how 'perceptions' are tools that can be utilised but when we over identify with them, we can become 'bound' to these perceptions which at times can keep us feeling 'separated' from the more expansive oneness we share as a collective community expressed in an infinite realm of realities. The goal here is to recognise 'home sickness' for starseeds, as an illusion in many ways, as we are connected and unified to all places aspects of ourselves are in the Here and Now, therefore we are all ways 'home' if we bring our awareness into the Now. Infinite Love and Blessings, NataSHA Darling Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved. None Waived Ever.
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